Favorite Pokémon (By Generation)
Mr EliteL Offline
Jun 2018
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XP: 22,253
Halloween Birthday Bash (Shiny) Yoshi Metroid 
Considering it has been 2-3 years, since everyone who was a member during the year of 2015, picked their top 5 Pokémon, and there has been a new generation (Sun & Moon), we need this to happen once again. Absolutely, it is mandatory. You can just add on to you pre-existing list, if you have it still, and update where required, or start a new list. In image or text, whichever you prefer to do yours. Leave out generations is allowed if you do not have any favourites (yes, I am only using the US spelling for the title) in them, or limiting yourself to less than 5 if you can't fill that amount. 

There are now 807 Pokémon to choose from. This Pokédex is still usable, so pick away. Each Gen is as follows:

1. 1-151
2. 152-251
3. 252-386
4. 387-493
5. 494-649
6. 650-721
7. 722-807

Bonus Round: Favourite Mega Pokémon

[Image: Hazama-sig.png]
Mr EliteL Offline
Jun 2018
Currently Playing
Genshin Impact
Favourite Platform(s)
XP: 22,253 Halloween Birthday Bash (Shiny) Yoshi Metroid 
Considering it has been 2-3 years, since everyone who was a member during the year of 2015, picked their top 5 Pokémon, and there has been a new generation (Sun & Moon), we need this to happen once again. Absolutely, it is mandatory. You can just add on to you pre-existing list, if you have it still, and update where required, or start a new list. In image or text, whichever you prefer to do yours. Leave out generations is allowed if you do not have any favourites (yes, I am only using the US spelling for the title) in them, or limiting yourself to less than 5 if you can't fill that amount. 

There are now 807 Pokémon to choose from. This Pokédex is still usable, so pick away. Each Gen is as follows:

1. 1-151
2. 152-251
3. 252-386
4. 387-493
5. 494-649
6. 650-721
7. 722-807

Bonus Round: Favourite Mega Pokémon

Karo Offline
I like flashy things
Jun 2018
Currently Playing
Dead By Daylight
Favourite Platform(s)
XP: 9,383
Phogs (Shiny) Summer Meltdown Sonic the Hedgehog (Shiny) 
Man I wonder what this might say about all of us picking out our favorite Pokemon of each generation...

Gen 1: Pikachu
[Image: shutterstock_451864558.0.jpg]

Simply because PIkachu was my first Pokemon ever cause I first started with Pokemon Yellow and I loved how cute it was....and it such a delightful jerk to Ash in the beginning of the anime. Admittedly nowadays I kinda have a love & hate relationship with this cute little rodent. To attempt to explain this let us use my new favorite forum feature bulletpoints!

  • Its cute as heck
  • Its a rodent that wields the power of Zeus himself! God damn! (My Arceus have mercy on Ditto's soul)
  • It was my first Pokemon ever.
  • The last time I played through the game with it. I honestly felt it wasn't too strong and was far too weak to be viable on even a story team.
  • The overexposure of Pikachu is maddening! I love Pikachu but it is everywhere and that makes me kind of hate it and love games where it doesn't exist in the base game.
  • It overshadows the super cool Raichu! Like Raichu really could use some love.

Gen 2: Blissey
[Image: latest?cb=20160730044331]

Okay first starting off I frankly didn't really care much for any of the gen 2 Pokemon that much. Dark type was cool and it gave me my favorite new feature of the game series. (I WONDER WHAT THAT COULD HAVE BEEN!? ) Now why am I saying Blissey is my favorite? Lets break it down cause bullet points are for cool kids!

  • This thing was a tanking nightmare if your up against it.
  • it fights against the terrors of sadness! it will give you its egg to make you smile mothertruckers!
  • I think it just a cuter version of Chansey
  • Nowadays to eviolite in the competitive scene it was shunned like Raichu. (Even though Raichus are hilarious!)
Verdict: Blissey is the defender of truth justice and happiness! She will stuff an egg in your mouth and tank away all your pain

PS: Fuck hold items for screwing with the natural order of nature! XD

Gen 3: Swablu & Altaria
[Image: swablu__altaria_and_mega_altaria_base_by...9zqz6s.png]
I actually really loved Gen 3 and I think it was the first time I ever actually beat a Pokemon game! (Yeah believe it or not I couldn't complete Yellow and when it came to Crystal version...I ended up restarting a lot cause reasons ) So I am honestly probably very bias as I grew up with lots of pet birds and still have pet birds! Now you might think my favorite would of been Torchic or Mudkip and they are close, but this little bird stole my heart as I will now get into:

  • This little bastard is cute as hell! Its this little blue bird with feathers made of clouds! Who couldn't think this thing was cute as heck!? its evolution turns it into a cute cloud ostrich.
  • Swablu likes to rest on top of its trainer's head like a hat! This would of been the perfect Pokemon for the Let's Go Series! When it evolves into an Altaria it will envelop you into it wing and hum you a beautiful song. Honestly I think this would just be a perfect starter Pokemon in general. It has a friendly disposition and in all of it stages it would be a Pokemon you could play with and fight with. 
  • Did I mention the cloud Ostrich is in fact a dragon type? Yup this little thing was a dragon type! It did mean it had a 4x weakness to ice, but it could really pack a punch and did very well. With the introduction of it mega form we got Mega Altaria that is Dragon & Fairy!
  • There nothing I particularly dislike about it. Ask someone that into the competitive scene for a full lowdown.
Verdict: Go and train one up in your next game

Gen 4: Drifloon
[Image: 3a5da3092b9db49026fda715d51c99cb--banett...okemon.jpg]

This is probably going to be the hardest for me cause I loved the Pokemon of gen 4! There was just so many cool legendaries and new Pokemon to get! All the starters are really good and I have actually used every single one of them! I want to make a few honorable mentions, Torterra, Empoleon, Darkrai, Arceus, and Shaymin. All of the designs are really cool except Shaymin which is a cute, but I also loved it whole thing with the Gracidea being a flower you give someone to show gratitude and how this changes Shaymin's form. Now why is Drifloon my favorite for Gen 4?

  • This thing is so delightfully evil! It attempts to drag children to the underworld! This is evil as hell! Now it never succeeds cause of how light it is and won't be effective at it. 
  • It was one of those cool time of the day event Pokemon and I remember waiting until Friday to go catch it!
  • It combined two of my favorite types ghost and flying.
  • I don't remember it having been too bulky until it evolved.
  • Fighting against these things are evil with it aftermath ability.
Verdict: Creepy as heck

Gen 5: Serperior
[Image: serperior_by_equilibrik-d7kbbj8.png]

First thing first Gen 5 is honestly one of my favorite gens ever! I loved the designs of the trainer and the region was based on New York City and I thought was neat as heck! They also did something cool by trying to reduce the amount of old Pokemon and I believe this was the first game where that frickin Pikachu was gone....and it was just Blissey! This was also the first time where they really tried to be cinematic and put in a long of detail and love into the story and it was definitely my favorite. <3 It was also the introduction to a game that introduced difficulty settings and a change to the grind with Audino and the introduction to chaining Pokemon.
  • The Blue/Green Oak of Pokemon! This is a Pokemon that Serperior to you in everyway and it knows it! If it agrees to battle you you better feel lucky punk!
  • Its a cool snake starter! Snakes are pretty neat!
  • It kinda looks like corn and corn is niceeeee
  • Doesn't have a second typing so makes it kinda boring compared to other grass starters, but on the plus side it only has grass weaknesses.
  • It doesn't have the greatest of move pools
Verdict: The design really makes this Pokemon, but in game wise I think your better picking a different starter.

Gen 6: Greninja
[Image: main.png]

Fairy types are cool I guess? For me I didn't like Gen 6 as much as the other gens too me it was kinda like they didn't do the story that well and I never finished it. Anyways why do like this starter?

  • Protean is an amazing ability and it was awesome for competitive play in my experience.
  • Its a ninja frog
  • A cool new typing water and dark.
  • Ask someone else
Verdict: Greninja is pretty cool

Gen 7: Mimikyu

Gen 7 to me is a return to form for the Pokemon games and here are my reasoning for this. If you take it as a fresh brand new Pokemon adventurer it is an amazing game! It has actual characters again like Gen 5! For Gen 6 I felt like none of the "friends/rivals" had much of a personality at all and seeing them throughout my adventure. Lily, Hau, and the Professor seem to play an active role in cheering you on and going on this adventure with you and I love it! I'm still going through it at the moment, but it definitely my favorite after Gen 5. It really is refreshing and is a truly cinematic Pokemon adventure. If you didn't enjoy it at first I honestly recommend taking your time and having fun with it. Don't treat it like it was one of the older games it not suppose to be Red that was like, "HERE YOU GO HAVE A POKEMON OKAY BYE RED! WILL TALK NEVER!" its a journey for yourself and the characters along with you. 

  • The video above!
  • Disguise ability gives it a free hit so it allows you to set up nicely
  • Its a ghostly fairy that if you saw it true form would probably curse you!
  • It made its costume by itself
  • It isn't all cute from the Pokedex: "Sad that its true identity may be exposed, Mimikyu will mercilessly seek revenge on any opponent that breaks its neck."
  • None that I can think of maybe overexposure? I don't know I still love it for now.
Verdict: Mimikyu is my all time favorite.

Thanks to everyone that took the time to read this. Smile
[Image: 30-humptypunch3.gif]
Karo Offline
I like flashy things
Jun 2018
Currently Playing
Dead By Daylight
Favourite Platform(s)
XP: 9,383 Phogs (Shiny) Summer Meltdown Sonic the Hedgehog (Shiny) 
Man I wonder what this might say about all of us picking out our favorite Pokemon of each generation...

Gen 1: Pikachu
[Image: shutterstock_451864558.0.jpg]

Simply because PIkachu was my first Pokemon ever cause I first started with Pokemon Yellow and I loved how cute it was....and it such a delightful jerk to Ash in the beginning of the anime. Admittedly nowadays I kinda have a love & hate relationship with this cute little rodent. To attempt to explain this let us use my new favorite forum feature bulletpoints!

  • Its cute as heck
  • Its a rodent that wields the power of Zeus himself! God damn! (My Arceus have mercy on Ditto's soul)
  • It was my first Pokemon ever.
  • The last time I played through the game with it. I honestly felt it wasn't too strong and was far too weak to be viable on even a story team.
  • The overexposure of Pikachu is maddening! I love Pikachu but it is everywhere and that makes me kind of hate it and love games where it doesn't exist in the base game.
  • It overshadows the super cool Raichu! Like Raichu really could use some love.

Gen 2: Blissey
[Image: latest?cb=20160730044331]

Okay first starting off I frankly didn't really care much for any of the gen 2 Pokemon that much. Dark type was cool and it gave me my favorite new feature of the game series. (I WONDER WHAT THAT COULD HAVE BEEN!? ) Now why am I saying Blissey is my favorite? Lets break it down cause bullet points are for cool kids!

  • This thing was a tanking nightmare if your up against it.
  • it fights against the terrors of sadness! it will give you its egg to make you smile mothertruckers!
  • I think it just a cuter version of Chansey
  • Nowadays to eviolite in the competitive scene it was shunned like Raichu. (Even though Raichus are hilarious!)
Verdict: Blissey is the defender of truth justice and happiness! She will stuff an egg in your mouth and tank away all your pain

PS: Fuck hold items for screwing with the natural order of nature! XD

Gen 3: Swablu & Altaria
[Image: swablu__altaria_and_mega_altaria_base_by...9zqz6s.png]
I actually really loved Gen 3 and I think it was the first time I ever actually beat a Pokemon game! (Yeah believe it or not I couldn't complete Yellow and when it came to Crystal version...I ended up restarting a lot cause reasons ) So I am honestly probably very bias as I grew up with lots of pet birds and still have pet birds! Now you might think my favorite would of been Torchic or Mudkip and they are close, but this little bird stole my heart as I will now get into:

  • This little bastard is cute as hell! Its this little blue bird with feathers made of clouds! Who couldn't think this thing was cute as heck!? its evolution turns it into a cute cloud ostrich.
  • Swablu likes to rest on top of its trainer's head like a hat! This would of been the perfect Pokemon for the Let's Go Series! When it evolves into an Altaria it will envelop you into it wing and hum you a beautiful song. Honestly I think this would just be a perfect starter Pokemon in general. It has a friendly disposition and in all of it stages it would be a Pokemon you could play with and fight with. 
  • Did I mention the cloud Ostrich is in fact a dragon type? Yup this little thing was a dragon type! It did mean it had a 4x weakness to ice, but it could really pack a punch and did very well. With the introduction of it mega form we got Mega Altaria that is Dragon & Fairy!
  • There nothing I particularly dislike about it. Ask someone that into the competitive scene for a full lowdown.
Verdict: Go and train one up in your next game

Gen 4: Drifloon
[Image: 3a5da3092b9db49026fda715d51c99cb--banett...okemon.jpg]

This is probably going to be the hardest for me cause I loved the Pokemon of gen 4! There was just so many cool legendaries and new Pokemon to get! All the starters are really good and I have actually used every single one of them! I want to make a few honorable mentions, Torterra, Empoleon, Darkrai, Arceus, and Shaymin. All of the designs are really cool except Shaymin which is a cute, but I also loved it whole thing with the Gracidea being a flower you give someone to show gratitude and how this changes Shaymin's form. Now why is Drifloon my favorite for Gen 4?

  • This thing is so delightfully evil! It attempts to drag children to the underworld! This is evil as hell! Now it never succeeds cause of how light it is and won't be effective at it. 
  • It was one of those cool time of the day event Pokemon and I remember waiting until Friday to go catch it!
  • It combined two of my favorite types ghost and flying.
  • I don't remember it having been too bulky until it evolved.
  • Fighting against these things are evil with it aftermath ability.
Verdict: Creepy as heck

Gen 5: Serperior
[Image: serperior_by_equilibrik-d7kbbj8.png]

First thing first Gen 5 is honestly one of my favorite gens ever! I loved the designs of the trainer and the region was based on New York City and I thought was neat as heck! They also did something cool by trying to reduce the amount of old Pokemon and I believe this was the first game where that frickin Pikachu was gone....and it was just Blissey! This was also the first time where they really tried to be cinematic and put in a long of detail and love into the story and it was definitely my favorite. <3 It was also the introduction to a game that introduced difficulty settings and a change to the grind with Audino and the introduction to chaining Pokemon.
  • The Blue/Green Oak of Pokemon! This is a Pokemon that Serperior to you in everyway and it knows it! If it agrees to battle you you better feel lucky punk!
  • Its a cool snake starter! Snakes are pretty neat!
  • It kinda looks like corn and corn is niceeeee
  • Doesn't have a second typing so makes it kinda boring compared to other grass starters, but on the plus side it only has grass weaknesses.
  • It doesn't have the greatest of move pools
Verdict: The design really makes this Pokemon, but in game wise I think your better picking a different starter.

Gen 6: Greninja
[Image: main.png]

Fairy types are cool I guess? For me I didn't like Gen 6 as much as the other gens too me it was kinda like they didn't do the story that well and I never finished it. Anyways why do like this starter?

  • Protean is an amazing ability and it was awesome for competitive play in my experience.
  • Its a ninja frog
  • A cool new typing water and dark.
  • Ask someone else
Verdict: Greninja is pretty cool

Gen 7: Mimikyu

Gen 7 to me is a return to form for the Pokemon games and here are my reasoning for this. If you take it as a fresh brand new Pokemon adventurer it is an amazing game! It has actual characters again like Gen 5! For Gen 6 I felt like none of the "friends/rivals" had much of a personality at all and seeing them throughout my adventure. Lily, Hau, and the Professor seem to play an active role in cheering you on and going on this adventure with you and I love it! I'm still going through it at the moment, but it definitely my favorite after Gen 5. It really is refreshing and is a truly cinematic Pokemon adventure. If you didn't enjoy it at first I honestly recommend taking your time and having fun with it. Don't treat it like it was one of the older games it not suppose to be Red that was like, "HERE YOU GO HAVE A POKEMON OKAY BYE RED! WILL TALK NEVER!" its a journey for yourself and the characters along with you. 

  • The video above!
  • Disguise ability gives it a free hit so it allows you to set up nicely
  • Its a ghostly fairy that if you saw it true form would probably curse you!
  • It made its costume by itself
  • It isn't all cute from the Pokedex: "Sad that its true identity may be exposed, Mimikyu will mercilessly seek revenge on any opponent that breaks its neck."
  • None that I can think of maybe overexposure? I don't know I still love it for now.
Verdict: Mimikyu is my all time favorite.

Thanks to everyone that took the time to read this. Smile
Dragon Lord Offline
LV.99 Weeb
Jun 2018
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Stellar Blade | Sword of the Necromancer | Bravely Default II | Genshin Impact | Honkai Star Rail | Arknights | Azur Lane | Aether Gazer
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PS3, PS4, PS5, Vita, PC
XP: 10,922
Hatsune Miku (Shiny) Hatsune Miku (Shiny) Hatsune Miku (Shiny) 
Gen 1: Eevee/Vaporeon
Gen 2: Espeon
Gen 3: Flygon
Gen 4: Glaceon
Gen 5: Whimsicott
Gen 6: LUL
Gen 7: We don't talk about this

You may be surprised that my list is not filled up with Dragon-type Pokemon. Although I do love the type, very few of them actually manage to break into my top favorites.
2023 Platinum Goal: 3/50 (Copium)
Latest Platinum:  Sword of the Vagrant
[Image: DragonLord1389.png]
[Image: DragonLord1389.png]
Dragon Lord Offline
LV.99 Weeb
Jun 2018
Currently Playing
Stellar Blade | Sword of the Necromancer | Bravely Default II | Genshin Impact | Honkai Star Rail | Arknights | Azur Lane | Aether Gazer
Favourite Platform(s)
PS3, PS4, PS5, Vita, PC
XP: 10,922 Hatsune Miku (Shiny) Hatsune Miku (Shiny) Hatsune Miku (Shiny) 
Gen 1: Eevee/Vaporeon
Gen 2: Espeon
Gen 3: Flygon
Gen 4: Glaceon
Gen 5: Whimsicott
Gen 6: LUL
Gen 7: We don't talk about this

You may be surprised that my list is not filled up with Dragon-type Pokemon. Although I do love the type, very few of them actually manage to break into my top favorites.
Nightingale Offline
Resident Manic Farmer
Jun 2018
Currently Playing
Harvest Moon: Friends of Mineral Town
XP: 5,252
Dragon Quest Final Fantasy Splatoon 
Picking just one per Gen is the hardest part... Tongue

Gen1: Nidoking.

Gen2: Sneasel.

Gen3: Grovyle.

Gen4: Buizel.

Gen5: Snivy.

Gen6: N/A.

Gen7: N/A.
When leaves have fallen.
And skies turned to grey.
The night keeps on closing in on the day.
A nightingale sings his song of farewell.
You better hide from her freezing hell. ~ Ice Queen, Within Temptation.

Nightingale Offline
Resident Manic Farmer
Jun 2018
Currently Playing
Harvest Moon: Friends of Mineral Town
XP: 5,252 Dragon Quest Final Fantasy Splatoon 
Picking just one per Gen is the hardest part... Tongue

Gen1: Nidoking.

Gen2: Sneasel.

Gen3: Grovyle.

Gen4: Buizel.

Gen5: Snivy.

Gen6: N/A.

Gen7: N/A.
Hotspot Offline
Does this avatar make me look fat?
Jun 2018
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Overwatch, Legend of Zorldo: Breath of the Winds
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XP: 268
Mega Man Bioshock 
I haven't really been in touch with Pokemon for like 10 years. So I'm going to be really disoriented.. But..

Gen 1: Charmander, Ghastly, Haunter, Gengar.
Gen 2: Cyndoquil, Misdreavous.
Gen 3: Torchic, Mawile.

Mawile is my favorite pokemon of all time, I just ordered some Mawile collectibles too.

Some of my posts are satire, so don't take me too seriously! : P
Hotspot Offline
Does this avatar make me look fat?
Jun 2018
Currently Playing
Overwatch, Legend of Zorldo: Breath of the Winds
Favourite Platform(s)
XP: 268 Mega Man Bioshock 
I haven't really been in touch with Pokemon for like 10 years. So I'm going to be really disoriented.. But..

Gen 1: Charmander, Ghastly, Haunter, Gengar.
Gen 2: Cyndoquil, Misdreavous.
Gen 3: Torchic, Mawile.

Mawile is my favorite pokemon of all time, I just ordered some Mawile collectibles too.
Karo Offline
I like flashy things
Jun 2018
Currently Playing
Dead By Daylight
Favourite Platform(s)
XP: 9,383
Phogs (Shiny) Summer Meltdown Sonic the Hedgehog (Shiny) 
With the release of the next mainline Pokemon game next year there no better time to reintroduce yourself to the series. Smile
[Image: 30-humptypunch3.gif]
Karo Offline
I like flashy things
Jun 2018
Currently Playing
Dead By Daylight
Favourite Platform(s)
XP: 9,383 Phogs (Shiny) Summer Meltdown Sonic the Hedgehog (Shiny) 
With the release of the next mainline Pokemon game next year there no better time to reintroduce yourself to the series. Smile
ShiraNoMai Offline
Kacheek Says Ace Pride!
Jun 2018
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Stardew Valley (PC) | Cassette Beasts (PC) | For The King (PC)
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SNES | PS2 | Switch
XP: 26,393
Yoshi (Shiny) Kirby (Shiny) The Legend of Zelda (Shiny) 
Yuri... my dude, how can you say you aren't a big fan of Gen 2, the best generation of Pokemon, and love Gen 4, the worst generation of Pokemon! D= 

Nice list there, Hotspot! Cyndaquil bros for life. Mawile is an interesting choice.  I remember growing up thinking that Mawile was always facing forward with its mouth like that lol

My list:
  • Generation 1: Gengar or Charizard (tough pick)
  • Generation 2: Quilava (all-time favorite)
  • Generation 3: Linoone
  • Generation 4: The Shinx line of Pokemon
  • Generation 5: Excadrill or Deino (another toughie)
  • Generation 6: Chespin
  • Generation 7: Lycanroc (Midnight forme) or Bewear
[Image: 40lI5nT.png]
ShiraNoMai Offline
Kacheek Says Ace Pride!
Jun 2018
Currently Playing
Stardew Valley (PC) | Cassette Beasts (PC) | For The King (PC)
Favourite Platform(s)
SNES | PS2 | Switch
XP: 26,393 Yoshi (Shiny) Kirby (Shiny) The Legend of Zelda (Shiny) 
Yuri... my dude, how can you say you aren't a big fan of Gen 2, the best generation of Pokemon, and love Gen 4, the worst generation of Pokemon! D= 

Nice list there, Hotspot! Cyndaquil bros for life. Mawile is an interesting choice.  I remember growing up thinking that Mawile was always facing forward with its mouth like that lol

My list:
  • Generation 1: Gengar or Charizard (tough pick)
  • Generation 2: Quilava (all-time favorite)
  • Generation 3: Linoone
  • Generation 4: The Shinx line of Pokemon
  • Generation 5: Excadrill or Deino (another toughie)
  • Generation 6: Chespin
  • Generation 7: Lycanroc (Midnight forme) or Bewear
Karo Offline
I like flashy things
Jun 2018
Currently Playing
Dead By Daylight
Favourite Platform(s)
XP: 9,383
Phogs (Shiny) Summer Meltdown Sonic the Hedgehog (Shiny) 
Like honestly I can't really put my finger on it... I think Gen 2 really solidified the foundation for the series by adding the gender options, Pokemon breeding. the new dark type, and an in game clock all great features!

Just the region and Pokemon itself I always found rather eh? Everyone has different taste and it honestly might just come down to the Pokemon themselves. Like I think I really liked most of Gen 4 Pokemon, but didn't really care for Gen 2 Pokemon its probably the opposite for you?
[Image: 30-humptypunch3.gif]
Karo Offline
I like flashy things
Jun 2018
Currently Playing
Dead By Daylight
Favourite Platform(s)
XP: 9,383 Phogs (Shiny) Summer Meltdown Sonic the Hedgehog (Shiny) 
Like honestly I can't really put my finger on it... I think Gen 2 really solidified the foundation for the series by adding the gender options, Pokemon breeding. the new dark type, and an in game clock all great features!

Just the region and Pokemon itself I always found rather eh? Everyone has different taste and it honestly might just come down to the Pokemon themselves. Like I think I really liked most of Gen 4 Pokemon, but didn't really care for Gen 2 Pokemon its probably the opposite for you?
Dragon Lord Offline
LV.99 Weeb
Jun 2018
Currently Playing
Stellar Blade | Sword of the Necromancer | Bravely Default II | Genshin Impact | Honkai Star Rail | Arknights | Azur Lane | Aether Gazer
Favourite Platform(s)
PS3, PS4, PS5, Vita, PC
XP: 10,922
Hatsune Miku (Shiny) Hatsune Miku (Shiny) Hatsune Miku (Shiny) 
(Jun 8th, 2018, 04:37 AM)ShiraNoMai Wrote:
Yuri... my dude, how can you say you aren't a big fan of Gen 2, the best generation of Pokemon, and love Gen 6/7, the worst generations of Pokemon! D= 

Fixed that for you. You forgot to add a few numbers. Whistle
2023 Platinum Goal: 3/50 (Copium)
Latest Platinum:  Sword of the Vagrant
[Image: DragonLord1389.png]
[Image: DragonLord1389.png]
Dragon Lord Offline
LV.99 Weeb
Jun 2018
Currently Playing
Stellar Blade | Sword of the Necromancer | Bravely Default II | Genshin Impact | Honkai Star Rail | Arknights | Azur Lane | Aether Gazer
Favourite Platform(s)
PS3, PS4, PS5, Vita, PC
XP: 10,922 Hatsune Miku (Shiny) Hatsune Miku (Shiny) Hatsune Miku (Shiny) 
(Jun 8th, 2018, 04:37 AM)ShiraNoMai Wrote:
Yuri... my dude, how can you say you aren't a big fan of Gen 2, the best generation of Pokemon, and love Gen 6/7, the worst generations of Pokemon! D= 

Fixed that for you. You forgot to add a few numbers. Whistle
Karo Offline
I like flashy things
Jun 2018
Currently Playing
Dead By Daylight
Favourite Platform(s)
XP: 9,383
Phogs (Shiny) Summer Meltdown Sonic the Hedgehog (Shiny) 
(Jun 8th, 2018, 03:02 PM)Dragon Lord Wrote:
(Jun 8th, 2018, 04:37 AM)ShiraNoMai Wrote:
Yuri... my dude, how can you say you aren't a big fan of Gen 2, the best generation of Pokemon, and love Gen 4/7, the worst generations of Pokemon! D= 

Fixed that for you. You forgot to add a few numbers. Whistle

Double fixed I didn't care for gen 6 that much. I wouldn't say they are bad, but to me they are just okay. Smile

Let me try to articulate why I really like these gens in my new favorite feature I'm using the bullet list!

Gen 4
  • Introduced the online play to the Pokemon series and to me this is a huge one! Online play gave the ability to enjoy the game with friends around the world. It even had a built in voice-chat which was okay for the DS
  • I really enjoyed all the legendary there wasn't a single legendary that I didn't care for.
  • The starters were all well designed and the second typing they gave really stirred things up.
  • In general I just really like gen 4 Pokemon.
  • The Pal Park had a nice touch where when you transferred Pokemon over the text would read: "Come back <Pokemon name>!" something small, but it made it feel like your Pokemon somehow still recognized as their trainer
  • Name filter came about during this time. 
  • The game felt slow compared to other games.
  • Story was about on par with gen 3 just okay.
Gen 7
  • The best part of gen 7 is the story and the journey it takes you on. I'm going to repeat myself here, but you cannot approach this game as if your playing RBGY. This is more of an entry into the series title and they went out of their way to make this your journey with Pokemon. It basically the Skyward Sword of Pokemon. 
  • The characters are interesting and I care about them and they aren't just plain and boring like frickin gen 6....I'm sorry but those three characters that followed you around I have no idea what their names are! I don't think they had character development at all! Gen 7 achieved with characters in a way that was as satisfying as the journey with Cheren and Bianca in gen 5.
  • Alolan forms are a cool idea, but I wish they would of finished all the mega evolutions before moving onto something else.
  • Most of the new Pokemon in this generation are just kinda let downs. I like Mimikyu & the Alolan Pokemon, but there wasn't really any new Pokemon that particularly captured my interest beyond them.
  • Since it the story Pokemon the cutscenes really drag on and prevent this from being a good speed run or nuzlocke game in the series.
  • The Festival Plaza is a neat idea in theory, but in practice its annoying and prevents me from accessing the WiFi features that I really want too access.
[Image: 30-humptypunch3.gif]
Karo Offline
I like flashy things
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(Jun 8th, 2018, 03:02 PM)Dragon Lord Wrote:
(Jun 8th, 2018, 04:37 AM)ShiraNoMai Wrote:
Yuri... my dude, how can you say you aren't a big fan of Gen 2, the best generation of Pokemon, and love Gen 4/7, the worst generations of Pokemon! D= 

Fixed that for you. You forgot to add a few numbers. Whistle

Double fixed I didn't care for gen 6 that much. I wouldn't say they are bad, but to me they are just okay. Smile

Let me try to articulate why I really like these gens in my new favorite feature I'm using the bullet list!

Gen 4
  • Introduced the online play to the Pokemon series and to me this is a huge one! Online play gave the ability to enjoy the game with friends around the world. It even had a built in voice-chat which was okay for the DS
  • I really enjoyed all the legendary there wasn't a single legendary that I didn't care for.
  • The starters were all well designed and the second typing they gave really stirred things up.
  • In general I just really like gen 4 Pokemon.
  • The Pal Park had a nice touch where when you transferred Pokemon over the text would read: "Come back <Pokemon name>!" something small, but it made it feel like your Pokemon somehow still recognized as their trainer
  • Name filter came about during this time. 
  • The game felt slow compared to other games.
  • Story was about on par with gen 3 just okay.
Gen 7
  • The best part of gen 7 is the story and the journey it takes you on. I'm going to repeat myself here, but you cannot approach this game as if your playing RBGY. This is more of an entry into the series title and they went out of their way to make this your journey with Pokemon. It basically the Skyward Sword of Pokemon. 
  • The characters are interesting and I care about them and they aren't just plain and boring like frickin gen 6....I'm sorry but those three characters that followed you around I have no idea what their names are! I don't think they had character development at all! Gen 7 achieved with characters in a way that was as satisfying as the journey with Cheren and Bianca in gen 5.
  • Alolan forms are a cool idea, but I wish they would of finished all the mega evolutions before moving onto something else.
  • Most of the new Pokemon in this generation are just kinda let downs. I like Mimikyu & the Alolan Pokemon, but there wasn't really any new Pokemon that particularly captured my interest beyond them.
  • Since it the story Pokemon the cutscenes really drag on and prevent this from being a good speed run or nuzlocke game in the series.
  • The Festival Plaza is a neat idea in theory, but in practice its annoying and prevents me from accessing the WiFi features that I really want too access.
macGamr Offline
Irony represent.
Jun 2018
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The game of life
XP: 184
1st Generation: Blastoise (I actually completed Pokemon Blue with just my starter, and was Level 86 by the time I defeated the Champion)
2nd Generation: A tie between Ampharos, Espeon and Steelix. The first two were powerhouses in my team in Pokemon Gold and Steelix is just the kind of creature that would make anyone soil themselves with the fear, even of its cry :O
3rd Generation: Blaziken, definitely Grin

4th to 7th however... I can't say, as Generation III was my last.
[Image: E12av.png]
Gamers welcome also, yeah.
macGamr Offline
Irony represent.
Jun 2018
Currently Playing
The game of life
XP: 184
1st Generation: Blastoise (I actually completed Pokemon Blue with just my starter, and was Level 86 by the time I defeated the Champion)
2nd Generation: A tie between Ampharos, Espeon and Steelix. The first two were powerhouses in my team in Pokemon Gold and Steelix is just the kind of creature that would make anyone soil themselves with the fear, even of its cry :O
3rd Generation: Blaziken, definitely Grin

4th to 7th however... I can't say, as Generation III was my last.
Mr EliteL Offline
Jun 2018
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Oh, no wonder nobody was listing their favourite "Ultra"'s, I got the name wrong. I meant Mega Pokémon, unless you did know what I meant, but don't have any. XD
Also just realised I was meant to say top 4, not top 5, plus the link needs changing. What am I doing?

I'm still in the process of doing my image list. Could be some alterations from my last one, there is at least one thing I'm doing differently.
[Image: Hazama-sig.png]
Mr EliteL Offline
Jun 2018
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Oh, no wonder nobody was listing their favourite "Ultra"'s, I got the name wrong. I meant Mega Pokémon, unless you did know what I meant, but don't have any. XD
Also just realised I was meant to say top 4, not top 5, plus the link needs changing. What am I doing?

I'm still in the process of doing my image list. Could be some alterations from my last one, there is at least one thing I'm doing differently.
Karo Offline
I like flashy things
Jun 2018
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(Jun 10th, 2018, 12:19 AM)Mr EliteL Wrote:
Oh, no wonder nobody was listing their favourite "Ultra"'s, I got the name wrong. I meant Mega Pokémon, unless you did know what I meant, but don't have any. XD
Also just realised I was meant to say top 4, not top 5, plus the link needs changing. What am I doing?

I'm still in the process of doing my image list. Could be some alterations from my last one, there is at least one thing I'm doing differently.

The ironic things is in gen 7 they did in fact introduce a line of Pokemon called Ultra Beast. Basically they are legendary Pokemon of different dimensions amd you encounter them during the story.

At first I didn't really get why they are different from legendaries than it hit me. They are completely unknown in the Pokemon world. Legendary pokemon are known through myths and legend. Smile
[Image: 30-humptypunch3.gif]
Karo Offline
I like flashy things
Jun 2018
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(Jun 10th, 2018, 12:19 AM)Mr EliteL Wrote:
Oh, no wonder nobody was listing their favourite "Ultra"'s, I got the name wrong. I meant Mega Pokémon, unless you did know what I meant, but don't have any. XD
Also just realised I was meant to say top 4, not top 5, plus the link needs changing. What am I doing?

I'm still in the process of doing my image list. Could be some alterations from my last one, there is at least one thing I'm doing differently.

The ironic things is in gen 7 they did in fact introduce a line of Pokemon called Ultra Beast. Basically they are legendary Pokemon of different dimensions amd you encounter them during the story.

At first I didn't really get why they are different from legendaries than it hit me. They are completely unknown in the Pokemon world. Legendary pokemon are known through myths and legend. Smile
Mr EliteL Offline
Jun 2018
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Yeah, the Ultra Beasts. I wasn't trying to get at them, since they're included in the Pokédex anyway so they're still accepted for lists. I suppose Ultra Beasts can be a Bonus Round too. I haven't included them in the image list I've made though.

Faded Pokémon that are behind another means they are equal to that position. My old list had Scizor as my 4th Gen 2 Pokémon, but I remember that spot taking a while to decide on. After rethinking, I prefer Suicune because the design is better, with the wavy mane and tails. The summon in Smash Bros is cool too. Do like Entei for similar reasons, but Suicune's colour scheme is better there too.

Kalos, Alola and Mega are purely based on appearance too, as I haven't got any games that feature these Pokémon. Unless I count Smash 3DS for the small amount that are on there. There were a few contenders for 4th on Alola, Tsareena, Golisopod and Litten. Everything else is a bit...eh to bad. Zeraora's a recent new Pokémon, and I thought the design is the most interesting in quite a while, since my favourites of Unova. Simipour is still my top favourite Pokémon for the animation it had in Black & White and closed eyes that instantly reminded me of Gin Ichimaru back then. Also for the moves it learns.

For Megas, top three were instant choices really. Charizard X's dark skin and blue flames look awesome, Mega Pidgeot looks majestic and Audino continues looking cute. Last one was a toss up with Banette, Mewtwo Y, Blaziken and Rayquaza's. The rest don't look that great to me apart from the odd ones that don't quite reach these ones. Ampharos wins mainly for the Dragon typing, and that it's Amphy, a favourite of Gen 2. Even though I've only gotten a Flaaffy so far in a Pokémon game. XD 

Also my choices tend to go by how much I already like them, and how badass or cute they look. So...

Badass: Mewtwo, Gengar, Charizard, Arcanine, Suicune, Zangoose, Aggron, Luxray, Rampardos, Staraptor, Simipour, Snivy/Serperior, Braivary, Yveltal, Pangoro, Zeraora, Lycanroc, Charizard X and Mega Pidgeot.

Cute: Vulpix, Flaaffy/Ampharos, Misdreavus, Totodile, Milotic, Flygon, Lumineon, Lilligant, Snivy, Aurorus, Sylveon, Ribombee, Primarina, Mega Audino, Mega Ampharos.

Best Ultra Beast: Pheromosa. Only decent looking one, but even that is a stretch.
[Image: Hazama-sig.png]
Mr EliteL Offline
Jun 2018
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Genshin Impact
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XP: 22,253 Halloween Birthday Bash (Shiny) Yoshi Metroid 
Yeah, the Ultra Beasts. I wasn't trying to get at them, since they're included in the Pokédex anyway so they're still accepted for lists. I suppose Ultra Beasts can be a Bonus Round too. I haven't included them in the image list I've made though.

Faded Pokémon that are behind another means they are equal to that position. My old list had Scizor as my 4th Gen 2 Pokémon, but I remember that spot taking a while to decide on. After rethinking, I prefer Suicune because the design is better, with the wavy mane and tails. The summon in Smash Bros is cool too. Do like Entei for similar reasons, but Suicune's colour scheme is better there too.

Kalos, Alola and Mega are purely based on appearance too, as I haven't got any games that feature these Pokémon. Unless I count Smash 3DS for the small amount that are on there. There were a few contenders for 4th on Alola, Tsareena, Golisopod and Litten. Everything else is a bit...eh to bad. Zeraora's a recent new Pokémon, and I thought the design is the most interesting in quite a while, since my favourites of Unova. Simipour is still my top favourite Pokémon for the animation it had in Black & White and closed eyes that instantly reminded me of Gin Ichimaru back then. Also for the moves it learns.

For Megas, top three were instant choices really. Charizard X's dark skin and blue flames look awesome, Mega Pidgeot looks majestic and Audino continues looking cute. Last one was a toss up with Banette, Mewtwo Y, Blaziken and Rayquaza's. The rest don't look that great to me apart from the odd ones that don't quite reach these ones. Ampharos wins mainly for the Dragon typing, and that it's Amphy, a favourite of Gen 2. Even though I've only gotten a Flaaffy so far in a Pokémon game. XD 

Also my choices tend to go by how much I already like them, and how badass or cute they look. So...

Badass: Mewtwo, Gengar, Charizard, Arcanine, Suicune, Zangoose, Aggron, Luxray, Rampardos, Staraptor, Simipour, Snivy/Serperior, Braivary, Yveltal, Pangoro, Zeraora, Lycanroc, Charizard X and Mega Pidgeot.

Cute: Vulpix, Flaaffy/Ampharos, Misdreavus, Totodile, Milotic, Flygon, Lumineon, Lilligant, Snivy, Aurorus, Sylveon, Ribombee, Primarina, Mega Audino, Mega Ampharos.

Best Ultra Beast: Pheromosa. Only decent looking one, but even that is a stretch.
Geoffrey Offline
Jun 2018
XP: 114
This is gonna be hard but here goes nothing...

Gen 1: Jolteon
- has always been my fave and he's just so cool looking. not the best battle-wise but that's fine.

Gen 2: Ampharos
- a powerhouse tbh. I love using one and sweeping through the game because it can cover so many types with its movepool.

Gen 3: Gardevoir
- more of a powerhouse than ampharos and also great type coverage. also she's a fabulous queen.

Gen 4: Garchomp
- I cried tears when it was made uber (#tbt) back in the day. cool looks, awesome strength, and dragon types are awesome.

Gen 5: Galvantula
- a new and improved Jolteon really.

Gen 6: Greninja
- I've played through XY probably 5 times and I think on 4 of them I picked Froakie/Greninja as my starter because he's just so freaking awesome.

Gen 7: Litten
- Partly for the name, partly for cuteness, and partly because Incineroar is badass.
Geoffrey Offline
Jun 2018
XP: 114
This is gonna be hard but here goes nothing...

Gen 1: Jolteon
- has always been my fave and he's just so cool looking. not the best battle-wise but that's fine.

Gen 2: Ampharos
- a powerhouse tbh. I love using one and sweeping through the game because it can cover so many types with its movepool.

Gen 3: Gardevoir
- more of a powerhouse than ampharos and also great type coverage. also she's a fabulous queen.

Gen 4: Garchomp
- I cried tears when it was made uber (#tbt) back in the day. cool looks, awesome strength, and dragon types are awesome.

Gen 5: Galvantula
- a new and improved Jolteon really.

Gen 6: Greninja
- I've played through XY probably 5 times and I think on 4 of them I picked Froakie/Greninja as my starter because he's just so freaking awesome.

Gen 7: Litten
- Partly for the name, partly for cuteness, and partly because Incineroar is badass.

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